Sunday, October 6, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

History - Essay Example a).When were these documents written? Who were the authors and who were the intended audience? The first document that is being explored in this study involves a documentary history of the United States which was written in the year 1952 by Richard. D. Heffner and was published by the New American Library London in the city of New York City. The intended audience for this document entails all the intelligent leaders including those people who may want to learn about the history of the United States. On the other hand, is document concerning the â€Å"Great Issue in American History† and was written in the year 1958 by Richard Hofstadter, the ,third edition for this document was later released in the year 1976. This document was published by Alfred.A.Knot.F.Inc and Random House, Inc. Whereby, the authors intended audiences are mostly the undergraduates’ student who may have interest to use this document and connect it with other sources for better understanding of the Am erican history. b). Why were the documents written -- what did each author want to accomplish by writing this document? What kind of a mindset did the author bring to his/her subject? The two documents were written to explain to the audience about the issues and events that were taking place during this period in that American History. Whereby, the author in the first document labeled as a â€Å"documentary history of the United States† wanted to accomplish the aims of providing insight to the audience social, political and economic pattern in the United States by combining varicose events that were taking place during this period. The author has discussed two issues namely. The veto powers of the bank and the liberty across the United States during this period. The author of the second document labeled as â€Å"Great Issue in American History† was aiming to provide an insight of the major controversies ranging from political social and economic controversies that were taking place America during this period. Therefore, based on the two documents, it can be observed that the authors wanted to place some mind sets to the audience that, during 1776 to 1861 the government had neglected the interest of its majority citizens by giving too much social and economic powers to the foreigners and the rich people. In addition, the authors had tried to indicate the cause of a long term developed conflict between the southern and northern regions (Richard, pp.296-300). c). what do the document reveal about what was happening in the society in which it was produced? What events were taking place to which the document refers, either directly or indirectly? The first document involves a â€Å"documentary history of the United States† by Richard .D. Heffner written in the year 1952.This source provides an insight of American social, political and economic events that were taking place from 1976 to1861.Whereby, argument made by various major actors such as; judges, private individual, legislative bodies to mention just but a few. The emphasis on this document has been placed on two major issues namely; Veto of the bank renewal bill of 1982 and the Liberty or Union. The writer has criticized the Veto power of the bank and the government because the ownership and stock purchases have been monopolized. Whereby, the congress posses all the powers to create 28 million stocks while at the same time incorporating the powers to sell those stocks. For example, almost half of the stocks have been

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