Friday, October 18, 2019

Different view of Death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Different view of Death - Essay Example Although death has been part of life for a long time, people have failed to acknowledge that death is inevitable. Living in denial concerning death has, therefore, existed as a common aspect of humanity. Lack to accept that death is an inevitable part of humanity is a major aspect that characterizes the two poems. This essay will, therefore, investigate the different views of death according to the two poems. Although the two poets agree on the inevitability of death, they have varying views concerning people’s preparedness towards death and our role in waiting for the inevitable death. According to Mary, death is the main challenge that affects humanity. Mary considers humans as helpless creatures in relation to death. Therefore, the only thing that people can do is to wait or prepare for their death. The poem When Death Comes shows that the author is concerned about the nature of life when death finally finds her. Unlike Mary, Donne considers death helpless thing though inev itable. According to the poet, people have a chance to challenge death. The poet view life as an opportunity to challenge death (Online-literature web). The work that people do during their life is a form of preparation for our death. The poet argues that people have a chance to challenge death by not dying as poor people. ... Unlike Mary Oliver, John Donne believes that life is a form of transformation from one form of life to the other. On the other hand, Mary has different views towards life and death. Her poem shows uncertainty about life and death. In the third line of When Death Comes, it is claimed, â€Å"death comes like a bear in autumn† (Panhala web). This line implies that she is not concerned with life after death as much as she is concerned with the nature of her death. Although death is inevitable, it is the only chance that humans have to come close to nature. Despite the numerous technological developments about humanity, it has been difficult to find or come up with a remedy for death. The two poets reflect this phenomenon. Death is the only thing that human beings have in common with the rest of nature. People start life the same way as the rest of nature but go through different process as compared to other living organisms. However, like other living organisms, we all have to mee t our death. The basic reason why people investigate death results from the fear that people have concerning death. Although most people do not fear their own deaths, it is evident that people fear losing a loved one. The fear of death is a common aspect that differentiates the views of the two poets concerning death. According to Donne, people should not be afraid of death because they have a chance of dealing with it. Donne considers people to have a chance of facing death or doing something about death. This indicates that the poet is not afraid of death or implications of death in his own life or the life of a loved one. On the other hand, Mary’s poem expresses her fears concerning the inevitable death and its implication in her life and the life of

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