Monday, January 6, 2020

The Book of the City of Ladies Essay - 1696 Words

The Book of the City of Ladies During the renaissance many different views of leadership surfaced. Christine de Pizan’s The Book of the City of Ladies, Niccolo Machiavelli’s The Prince, and William Shakespeare’s Richard III each present distinct views of what would make a good leader during the renaissance period. Shakespeare and Christine de Pizan’s views align most closely with Plato’s. Christine de Pizan’s view also aligns with Augustine’s medieval view of leadership. Machiavelli’s view, however, strays the farthest from Plato and Augustine. In The Book of the City of Ladies, Christine presents an allegorical city made up of great ladies from history. Allegorical characters Reason, Rectitude, and Justice guide Christine†¦show more content†¦Through these characters, collectively known as the Virtues, Christine shows that virtue, both public and private, holds utmost importance to a good leader. The examples used by the Virtues to dispel lies about women help a one see a glimpse of Christine’s ideal leader. The leaders used by Christine share many similar qualities, but chief amongst these is virtue. All of Christine’s characters possess some redeeming quality which supercedes any wrong done. Christine’s virtue comes from God and manifests itself through morally virtuous characteristics. This can be seen in the example of Valentina Visconti, the duchess of Orleans, who Christine describes as, â€Å"A lady who is strong and constant in heart, filled with devotion to her lord and good teaching for her children, well-informed in government, just toward all, sensible in her conduct, and virtuous in all things† (213). Christine places the highest value on leaders who lead by example. Christine devotes a large section of the City of Ladies to martyrs, saying of them â€Å"women who are crowned in glory and whose fair lives serve as excellent examples for every woman above all other wisdom. For this reason these women are the most outstanding of our City† (219). Machiavelli takes a drastically different view on renaissance leadership, placing emphasis on obtaining andShow MoreRelatedThe Book Of The City Of Ladies2292 Words   |  10 Pageshave faced intense discrimination from a lack of legal rights and very little independence from their husbands and society at large. In many societies, women have long been viewed as less than fully human. Christine de Pizan in her book â€Å"The Book of the City of Ladies†1405, wrote that the oppression of women is founded on irrational prejudice, pointing out numerous advances in society probably created by women. 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