Sunday, December 29, 2019

Salome From the New Testament and Josephus

Salome, a woman from the first century and early Christian period, is identified with a woman in the New Testament.   Famous for the (likely legend, not history) Dance of the Seven Veils. Dates: about 14 C.E. – about 62 C.E. Sources The historical account of Salome is included in Jewish Antiquities, book 18, chapters 4 and 5, by Flavius Josephus. The story in the Christian scripture, Mark 6:17-29 and Matthew 14:3-11, is identified with this historical account, though the name of the dancer is not mentioned in the New Testament. The Biblical Story Herod Antipas asked his stepdaughter to dance for him at a banquet, and promised her anything she asked for in return. Prompted by her mother, Herodias, who had been angered that John the Baptist had criticized her marriage to Herod, Salome asked for the head of John the Baptist as her reward – and her stepfather granted this request. Berenice, Grandmother of Salome Salome’s mother was Herodias, a daughter of Aristobulus IV and Berenice, who were cousins. Berenice’s mother, also named Salome, was a daughter of a sister of Herod the Great. Berenice’s children by Aristobulus IV were known as Herod Agrippa I, Herod of Chalcis, Herodias, Mariamne III, and Aristobulus Minor.   Aristobulus IV was the son of Herod the Great and his wife Mariamne I.   In 7 BCE, Herod the Great had his son Aristobulus killed; Berenice remarried. Her second husband, Theudion, was a brother of the first wife of Herod the Great, Doris.   Theudion was executed for his part in a conspiracy against Herod. Herodias, Mother of Salome At the time of the Biblical incident, in which she figures, Herodias was married to Herod, son of Herod the Great.   She had first been married to another son of Herod the Great, Herod II, whose mother was Mariamne II.   The Gospel of Mark names this husband as Philip.   Herodias was the half-niece of Herod II, who was, for a time, the presumptive heir of his father.   Salome was their daughter. But when Herod II’s older brother, Antipater III, opposed his father’s choice of heir, Herod the Great put Herod II second in line of succession. But then Antipater was executed, and Antipater’s mother persuaded Herod the Great to remove Herod II as successor.   Herod the Great then died. Herodias’ Second Marriage Herod Antipas was the son of Herod the Great and his fourth wife, Malthace. He was thus a half-brother of Herod II and Antipater III. He was given Galilee and Perea to rule as tetrarch. According to Josephus, and implied in the Biblical story, is that Herodias’ marriage to Herod Antipas was scandalous. Josephus says she was divorced from Herod II while he was still living, then married to Herod Antipas.   The Biblical story has John the Baptist publicly criticizing this marriage, and being arrested by Herod Antipas. Key Popular Depictions of Salome Numerous paintings depict Salome dancing or serving John’s head on a platter. This was a popular theme in medieval and Renaissance art. Gustave Flaubert wrote a story, Hà ©rodias, and Oscar Wilde a play Salomà ©. Operas based on Herodias or Salome included Hà ©rodiade by Jules Massenet, Salome by Richard Strauss and Salomà © by French composer Antoine Mariotte.   The latter two operas were based on Wilde’s play. Mark 6:17-29 (from the King James Version of the New Testament) 7  For Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John, and bound him in prison for Herodias’ sake, his brother Philip’s wife: for he had married her.  18  For John had said unto Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother’s wife.  19  Therefore Herodias had a quarrel against him, and would have killed him; but she could not:  20  for Herod feared John, knowing that he was a just man and an holy, and observed him; and when he heard him, he did many things, and heard him gladly.  21  And when a convenient day was come, that Herod on his birthday made a supper to his lords, high captains, and chief  estates  of Galilee;  22  and when the daughter of the said Herodias came in, and danced, and pleased Herod and them that sat with him, the king said unto the damsel, Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt, and I will give  it  thee.  23  And he sware unto her, Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me, I will give  it  thee, unto the h alf of my kingdom.  24  And she went forth, and said unto her mother, What shall I ask? And she said, The head of John the Baptist.  25  And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist.  26  And the king was exceeding sorry;  yet  for his oath’s sake, and for their sakes which sat with him, he would not reject her.  27  And immediately the king sent an executioner, and commanded his head to be brought: and he went and beheaded him in the prison,  28  and brought his head in a charger, and gave it to the damsel: and the damsel gave it to her mother.  29  And when his disciples heard  of it, they came and took up his corpse, and laid it in a tomb.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Third French Republic Essay examples - 605 Words

In the years from 1871 to 1914, France saw many social changes, economic and cultural, under the new government of the Third Republic. France experienced the modernization of its rural areas, the centralization of the state, and the emergence of a mass media culture. Furthermore, internationally France was heavily involved in the European race to imperialize in Africa and Asia. political participation in the international arena, which at the time was heavily involved in the race for imperial expansion in Africa and Asia. The Third French Republic was established in September of 1870, after Napoleon IIIs Second Empire suffered a humiliating defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. Immediately after the rise of the Third Republic, there†¦show more content†¦Following Thiers resignation, Count of Chambord (Bourbon) was chosen as the new French King with the Count of Paris (Orleanist) as his successor. However this arrangement quickly proved to be a failure, due to Count of Chambords ambitions of absolute power, dissatisfaction from the provinces, and the growth of republican sentiments. Republican sentiments proved to be a strong force and the National Assembly was finally forced to produce a new constitution, which established a bi-cameral legislature that included the Senate and the House of Chambers. In December of 1875, the National Assembly dissolved itself and the nation was once again a republic, led by President Marshal MacMahon. MacMahon himself was a monarchist and made one last attempt at the monarchical cause by dismissing the republican-minded Prime Minister Jules Simon and appointing the monarchist leader Broglie. MacMahon then dissolved the parliament and called a general election in hopes of curbing republican sentiments. However this scheme backfired and MacMahon was left with no choice but to resign after accusations of staging a constitutional coup detat. The removal of power from monarchists Count of Chambord and President MacMahon marked the triumph of republicanism in France. Despite the strength and success of the Third Republic, French republicanism was not without its enemies. In 1889, France saw its Republic tested in what is now known as the Boulanger Case. The BoulangerShow MoreRelatedThe Second And Current Republic2293 Words   |  10 PagesIntroduction From French revolution in 1789, France has had five different republican systems. The fifth and current republic was an outcome to the Algerian crisis in 1950’s. The First Republic began with the fall of King Louis XVI in 1792 and ended with Napoleon Bonaparte declaring himself emperor of the First French Empire in 1804. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Effects of Job Satisfaction for Employees -

Question: Write about theEffects of Job Satisfaction for Employees Performance. Answer: Introduction Having a quality human resource is very important in the operation of a company. These is because it has advantage in smart thinking, have the skill and expertise in the work, a good idea to apply the organizational plan without much straining, has the capability to solve companys problem, ability to understand the relationship between time and production and lastly they are innovative in nature (Steel 2002). This section presents the base for the study, consequent from a minor data using presented literature associated with aspects affecting job contentment and inspiration of employees. In this case, the inconsistency for the research comprises of relationship between employees and managers, employee reward, organizational policies and talent development. According to different primary research, we have a certain connection between satisfaction of job and perfomance. Literature review This literature review looks at job satisfaction under three sub themes; attitude, motivation and turnover. All these factors have an impact on employee satisfaction at work. For instance, when a manager wakes up one morning and comes to work with a lot of anger towards employees, this will end up making the employees to underperform since their psychological stability has been disturbed. This will lead to the employee being dissatisfied at work. Another case is that of lower employee turnover which will make the present employee work extra hours in order to which will make them feel overused by the management hence leading to lower production levels. In this case the employee feels dissatisfied through being overworked. Another scenario that relates to the above situations in employee motivation which has greater impact on employee satisfaction (Hausknecht 2009). Motivation includes such characteristics like; self-realization, advancement and sense of achievement. All these are the driving factors in every employee in an organization which if taken into consideration will translate into higher returns. Employee job satisfaction is affected by a series of factors such us salaries and remuneration. This can affect satisfaction since the worker will be motivated to work harder and smarter since his/her had work has been awarded. Another factor is good working condition which will make the employee to work even smarter since he/she feels comfortable at workplace. Thirdly, a worker will work better if his/her suggestions and advice are put into consideration during decision making. Another thing is about security if your employee. Human beings work better under secured environment free from war and chaos. During political unrest in a country, most of people operate under a lot of stress hence translating to poor organizational performance. Managers or even the supervisors attitude towards an employee also tends to influence the way an employee performs. This is because when the manager gets angry with a worker, the worker will retaliate by acting the same way he leading to poor production level of that worker. Basically, employee satisfaction and motivation has a direct effect on the running of day to day activities in a company. If injected with a negative attitude, the same will translate in production and if treated positively, it will end up in positive impact on production. Objectives of the research The main purpose of the above project is to display and settle on the correlation between job motivation and job satisfaction towards employees performance (Write 2005). Basically, the above study aspires to examine the association between motivations, reward and appreciation on the satisfaction of the employee and analysis of significant and insignificant effects of diverse factors behind. To display this relationship is of great help both to the management and the human resource department of a company. The study report intends answer the questions bellow: How performance of employees is influenced by job satisfaction. How influential work motivation on employee performance? How satisfaction and work motivation simultaneously affect employee performance? Benefits of the research The findings of the research will help the organization understand factors that influence employee satisfaction in the organization, and therefore helping the company to come up with strategic plan of improving on organizational performance. The data used can also be used in monitoring of future progress of the company. The findings of the study will also help to understand why employees prefer certain jobs over the others. Lastly, the data of these results may be used as a basis of future study on the same topic. Research approach The research approach is placed under two classifications namely; inductive and deductive and th methodology that is used in performing the study is what is called research approach (griffeth 2009). In the current study, the main data is collected from a person workers and deductive approach is used to analyze the data. This approach is based on the standard of presented data and theory. In this study, workers are studied and the examination of the results gives answer to the level of contentment. Methodology The study process will employ the use of main information since it supports a straight interaction with interviewees and no meddling of data collected (Griffeth 2009). Quantitative data collection method will be employed so that to reach a significant amount of data through an online analysis. The aim is to generate generalizable results for the persons doing jobs in the English-speaking part of Africa, i.e. Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria. A person can make conclusions from the samples collected. To be precise, a sample of people working in the said region will be given an online questionnaire with closed ended questions. These have liberal choices for assessing the satisfaction and motivation level of each investigation results. The online survey employs the use of 18 questions in which the respondents will answer in which their privacy is protected. This study questions will assist in gathering the information across the study region (Eacott 2011). The reasons why online survey was chosen and not others is that; To reach a wider interview which will enhance collection of a lager content. Collection of data is more efficient and so there is a lot of saving on resources. The process is very clear thus making it easy in data collection. Collected primary data is thereafter complimented by a secondary source. The data based on secondary research will be collected through exploring theories by scholars which will help to support the primary research. Theories on job satisfaction and motivation Maslow hierarchy of needs theory. In this theory, maslow talks about the steps in the hierarchy where by every human being must pass through before getting to self actualisation. The lower section is the physiological state whereby a person at this stage thinks about his physiological state and has achieved nothing at all. The second stage is whereby a person has a source of income but can only afford to be safe and can only afford the basic needs like food, water and shelter. After sometimes the person manages to save some money and ends up thinking about settling down to start a family. After doing this a person gets self confidence since he feels that he has achieved something in life (Prince 2005). After accumulating enough wealth, the folk start thinking about getting into social responsibilities such as politics. This hierarchy can be used in the management of and organisation since it clearly brings out the image of human development process. This implies that every human being has that internal factors that will drive hi/she to write down personal targets to achieve. This individual targets will translate into high performance on production. Job characteristics theory. This hypothesis is explaining that satisfaction of the job comes in if the environment gives a chances for positive features. This explains better on how those features will have an effect on the employee job satisfaction. These features that am talking about will affect the centre of the dimension of the jub which include;, task identity, skill variety, autonomy, task significance and reactions which eventually define the meaning of responsibility, work and understanding of the results which are the critical psychological state. It then translates to personal and work outcomes which include high motivation of the job internally, high quality work performance and lower employee absenteeism. Survey questions The following are the research questions which are to be used in gathering information from a certain group of employees from selected countries in Africa. Please put your gender: male/female Give your job position? How will you measure your habit in the line of duty, when determined by your probable that you could you can perform? (1 = miserable, 8 = outstanding) Show how you are ranked in your company? Say if you are comfortable with your rank and its tasks? Say if your working on a daily basis and their objectives clearly stated by your line manager? In a rate of one to five (1 for not at all while5 for absolute) Say if your boss directly authorities your specialized performance? Say whether you are comfortable with the management style of your line manager? Rate it in a scale of one to five (1 for very dissatisfied, while 5 for very satisfied) Say the unique thing you will do incase you are completed a line boss? ( give a highest of 3 replies) Say how you rank your enthusiasm in your job? Rate in a scale of 1 to 5 (1 for weak, while 5 for strong) Say what causes your motivation? Say if you are motivated better by any supervisor? Say what comes to your mind when you put forward or taken into consideration during decision making? What would you put into primary main concern to transform in your organization if you are given an opportunity? Are you trained for purposes of improvement on your work presentation by your company? Do your company work hard towards your personal growth in the workplace? Do you think your job routine is properly appreciated by the management at your workplace? What would motivate you to be more industrious in your job? Describe it in your own words. Target population and sampling techniques The residents target includes a capacitty of 60 respondents in who speak English in the sub-saharanAfrica, i.e. Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria (Capelli 2008). I will use a unsystematic sampling which cuts across the organisation at all without being biased. In this case I will get very accurate information since the respondent know that their privacy will be provided. The survey is carried out of ones own accord with the help of social media and contacts. The study and its meaning are explained and taken in 7 minutes. Collection of data Looming respondents are choosen via email and all other necessary information about the survey, which includes the contribution of information in all-purpose and information on permission will be showed on an access page. The survey will be carried out fully on once own accord. So that it attracts as numerous respondents, the questionnaire was made in a way that effectively completed. I will also make sure that the survey is fully unidentified, without the unnecessary tracking of any identifying information. The participants discover information about the purpose of the research in the introduction of the survey and can use as good time for them to answer the questions of the online survey as they want (Johnson 2005). Analysing of data and presentation In the analysation of information, it is intended for one to make use of evocative statistics to help know better the association between the reliant and self-determining variables. This will is completed by the use of the software to analyse the data which is also called SPSS. this SPSS happens to be important in this case because it produces descriptive information for the analysation and assessment. In line with this, the research will additionally make use of tables of frequency, pie charts and the bar charts which will help understand the association. The above method helps the beneficiary to make knowledgeable choices regarding the research. For a larger part of the interviews, questions the scale of will be used in the assessment of the responses. Frequency allocation of the answers and the summary statistics will be put into consideration for the analysis of the quantitative data. The using of rate of recurrence reply to for information summary has an added benefit is that the analysation will be easily done. furthermore, table interparatation for rate of recurrence of answers will be easily interpreted without any specialist information. occurrence sharing will be smoothly shown by the help of a bar / pie chart to help interprate it better. information presentation Tabular Presentation By using the tabular presentation, information is presented by the use of cells which comprise of rows and columns. The information that is collected is then fed into the table in which analysis can be completed. Tabular presentation is also the best method of conducting data collected in that; its simple to understand and read between the lines since it comprises of figures. It also facilitates contrast as data are presented in an organised way and also saves on space and time of data presentation. This is possible since it figures are easy to add up and come up with the required report. Tabular presentation is also bendable since it can be presented in form of diagrams and graphs hence giving the user option that he/she can simply understand. Graphical Presentation totting up above the study, also graphic arrangement figures will then get used to give study information. arithmetical information can be corresponded to best by the use of graphs. By the help of the graph, a person can easily contact timely information when the need arises as compared to depending on managed reporting. Graphs are also very simple to understand in a way that, human love looking at imagery rather than interpretation some writings. Graph is also the one of the best because it is easy to interact with the information and also easy to know. Graphs help the management of a company in prediction and the analysis which is a good thing in the running of a modern business. This will help in coping up with company dynamics and rivalry. Conclusion. In conclusion, employee satisfaction and motivation clearly influences the organisational performance. This can clearly be shown through data collection and analysis and supported by all the theories. Human being is affected by both internal and external factors since they have brain to internalise issues. Company managers should strive to make employees comfortable since this translates directly to their performance. References Boyens, M. (2007) Organizational Socialization, Career Aspirations and Turnover IntentionsAmong Design Engineers. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Vol. 26(6) pp 424- 442 Cappelli, P. (2008) Talent on Demand: Managing Talent in an Age of Uncertainty. Boston, MA Harvard Business School Press Creswell, J., (2014) Research Design. 1st Ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publications Eacott,S. 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Thursday, December 5, 2019

Elizabeth Ii of the United Kingdom and Queen Elizabeth free essay sample

How nature and nurture my affect the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of two stages of the development of an individual Introduction In this section of my assignment I will be evaluating how nature and nurture may affect the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of two stages of the development of an individual, this will be based on my chosen celebrity; Queen Elizabeth II. Nature and Nurture Childhood Physical Queen Elizabeth inherited good genes from her mum, a she is a healthy person, for instance she has inherited grey hair form her mum so this indicates that she inherited her mother’s genes. On the other hand she has also inherited her mother’s skin colour complexion; she inherited her mother’s facial features. Queen Elizabeth has good housing so this means they have good health, besides they also have good income and expenditure. In addition she is also safe and secure, as she has bodyguards to protect. Queen Elizabeth doesn’t have any disorders or disabilities so this indicates that she is living a good wealthy life. As a child Queen Elizabeth was well nurtured, this allows her to be developed physically; she was brought up in a good environment. In addition her parents worked hard for with her so that she can accomplish her goals. Also when Queen Elizabeth was a child she had warmth and a shelter. She also has a balanced diet and also has clothes to keep warm. Intellectual Queen Elizabeth has good education as she was schooled at home by tutors, she learnt French, Mathematics, History and Geography, and she has a good education. Emotional Queen Elizabeth a good loving and caring family as she is depended on her family when she was a child as she needs her family to support her. Social Queen Elizabeth also had good positive friends that can encourage them In addition Queen Elizabeth also has access to services, as she has medical services, when she gets sick and also she goes to private hospital. The environment that Queen Elizabeth lived when she was a child had a positive influence on her life. Adulthood Physical Queen Elizabeth also has good housing as an adult because she lives in a wealthy place called The Buckingham Palace, this simply indicates that she is a rich person. Queen Elizabeth starts to develop wrinkles as she is getting older Intellectual Queen Elizabeth has a good career as she is a Queen of Britain so this means that she has a good education. Emotional Social Conclusion In conclusion I have evaluated the how nature and nurture may affect the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of two life stages of the development of Queen Elizabeth II.