Wednesday, November 6, 2019

French Welfare System

French Welfare System The social welfare system in France and other European states has almost the same organization in the way the social security scheme works. The social welfare scheme in France is organized in such a way that all the beneficiaries fully covered incase they incur any risks (Agressano, 2011). The scheme covers a wide range of cases such as old age, maternity, widowhood, death sickness and all forms of occupational accidents.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on French Welfare System specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The social security scheme has no special provisions and applies to employees who are salaried regardless of their nationality, age and sex. The social welfare program in France does not allow for more than one recruitment in the scheme according to the 1996 declaration (Agressano, 2011). This paper will highlight social welfare programs in France and other European countries in comparison with the healthcare refo rm in the United States. The welfare scheme covers all employees as long as they make all the required contributions towards the social security scheme. The scheme covers all medical expenses and costs ranging from laboratory costs, consultation fees, hospitalization, medicine, prostheses, dental care and optician’s charges (Agressano, 2011). The employees are guaranteed adequate cover even in the periods when they are not on duty. Foreign workers have to first of all obtain residence and work permits for them to be covered by this social security scheme. The employees and the employers have a share of contributions they make towards the social security scheme. It is the responsibility of the employer to make contributions that cater for family allowances and occupational accidents (Agressano, 2011). The social security scheme refunds medical costs according to the beneficiary’s contribution rates. Other extra costs are paid by the employee and other complementary insu rance schemes. This social scheme can not work effectively in the United States because of the many social welfare schemes are expensive and discriminative. The social welfare of American employees has been poor over the years due to the expensive rates charged by the available social welfare schemes and insurance companies (Kronenfeld, 2004). This has always elicited a lot of debate and in the end many citizens have been unable to access quality healthcare. The healthcare reform has provisions meant to subsidize insurance and expanding medical aid to the poor. The legislation lays much emphasis on medical research and permanently prohibiting coverage caps by insurance companies (Kronenfeld, 2004). The law protects applicants from insurance companies that deny them coverage and unreasonably high premiums. The legislation also seeks to prohibit those insurance companies that only insure applicants with good health profiles and ensure that all citizens get the necessary cover regardle ss of their health profiles (Kronenfeld, 2004).Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In conclusion, each country has the responsibility of ensuring that its citizens enjoy medical cover from social welfare schemes without any discrimination. The social welfare schemes in Europe are completely different from that in the United States because of its flexibility. The social welfare scheme in the United is one of the most expensive in the world with many insurance companies’ exploiting citizens by charging high premiums (Kronenfeld, 2004). The healthcare reform will ensure that insurance premiums are subsidized so that all citizens are able to enjoy quality and affordable healthcare. References Agressano, J. (2011). French welfare state reform: Idealism versus Swedish, New Zealand and Dutch pragmatism. New York: Anthem Press. Kronenfeld, J. J. (2004). Healthcare reform in America: A reference handbook. New York, NY: ABC-CLIO.

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